
The Sloan School Mission

The mission of The Sloan School is to provide an outstanding Christ-centered education that develops your whole child - challenging his mind, nurturing his heart, stirring his soul and strengthening his body - in order that he may be equipped to achieve God's highest and best for his life.

Sloan School Happy Children

Our Philosophy

The Sloan School believes God’s highest and best for your child is achieved by:

  • Reinforcing the timeless truth that Jesus Christ is Lord, that your child is uniquely created by Him for His purposes
  • Teaching through a traditional, disciplined approach combined with an award-winning, advanced curriculum
  • Employing teachers who possess excellent professional credentials, demonstrate exceptional personal character and exhibit compassion, respect and genuine concern for your child
  • Providing a warm, caring, safe setting that emphasizes individual attention, encourages learning exploration and fosters personal growth

Christian Foundation

The Sloan School believes Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior of all and believes your child was created uniquely by Him and for His purpose. Accordingly, God’s Word, the Bible, is taught as the foundation and guide for your child’s life including:

  • Weekly chapel programs that include a time of corporate worship and teaching
  • Daily Bible lessons taught in the classroom

Your child will regularly experience teachers praying with, ministering to and modeling Christ’s love for them.

Sloan School Faith

Advanced Curriculum

The Sloan School believes the root of all learning begins with teaching your child to learn to read. Reading is the gateway to all other learning because once your child learns to read, he will then read to learn.

More importantly, based on significant research and our own results, we passionately believe in teaching reading through a phonics-based program. For that reason, we subscribe to and teach according to the A Beka curriculum, a well-respected leader in phonics-based education, which offers an advanced curriculum in Language Arts, Math, Science, History and Geography.

Equally as important, The Sloan School believes passionately in promoting a culture in which your child is valued, challenged and expected to succeed. Our experience shows that in setting the bar high, your child will take pride in all that is expected of him, develop an enthusiasm for learning and convey this to his peers. We take great satisfaction at the success that is achieved by consistently and continually telling your child he can do it, challenging him, expanding the kinds of learning he is being offered and then watching him soar.

Outstanding Faculty

The Sloan School believes in providing outstanding teachers for your child that not only possess excellent professional credentials but also demonstrate exceptional personal character. Further, The Sloan School teachers are screened for compatibility with our philosophy of exhibiting Christ’s empathy, compassion and genuine concern for others. Consequently we focus an extraordinary amount of time, money and resources on recruiting, hiring, training, evaluating and retaining the finest teachers around.

Our Teachers

  • Go through extensive background checks prior to hiring
  • Are degreed educators in Early Childhood Development or Elementary Education (private school)
  • Participate in continuing training workshops and seminars throughout the year
  • Boast an average tenure of 15 years total teaching experience, with an average of 6 years at The Sloan School.

Warm, Welcoming Setting

The Sloan School believes in providing a warm, welcoming, safe setting that emphasizes individual attention, encourages learning exploration and fosters personal growth. With a full-time student enrollment of approximately 200 students, our small size allows us to cultivate a truly special and unique atmosphere where:

  • Your child is hugged by teachers and staff
  • You and your family are known by name and valued
  • Special holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter are celebrated for what they are
  • You are encouraged and welcome to participate and attend class parties and activities

Additionally, we believe in creating an environment that teaches your child personal responsibility, a respect for authority and self-discipline. Consequently, for the benefit of all students and in the pursuit of pursuing God’s highest and best for your child, ongoing discipline problems and behavior challenges are dealt with according to The Sloan School’s Discipline Policy and can culminate in the revocation of admission.